Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cloud Computing

This week we have to do a presentation on Cloud Computing.
What it is? Benefits. Disadvantages. Examples of its use. Characteristics. All that kinda jazz.
Honestly I didn't have a notion about it til what 5 days ago. And it's crazy because I see it's fast going to become one of those things people can't live without, like the internet. Which is funny, because it looks like with the introduction of Cloud Computing will mean that the internet as it is used today will be gone forever.
Anywho this is basically what I learned...

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is basically virtual servers available over the internet. It is where data, software applications or computer processing power are accessed from a 'Cloud' of online resources. This allows users to access their applications from any device.
Individuals and organisations can now connect to a 'Cloud' of computing resources to fuel their information activities rather than having to install software to run on their own hardware.

What can Cloud Computing do?

Cloud computing is closely associated with Web 2.0. In particular a key element of both trends is the emergent of online applications known as SaaS (Software as a Service). A number of online office applications are available. Which include Google Docs, this allows anybody to create or upload documents onto their online Cloud and to work on them using any kind of computing device with an internet connection.

You can add or remove web server hardware and bandwidth, virtually instantly.
The software you will use for Cloud will also enable non developers to customise you're software's functionality.

Cloud Computing also provides the development of Hardware as a Service (HAAS). This is where computer processing capacity is purchased over the web. Google now provides a service called Google App Engine, which allows developers to run web applications on Google's infrastructor.

Most of the technology you had to use in the past eg code, is now hidden with Cloud.

If you need to get servers and connect them to the internet with Cloud it takes minutes.

If you need to get your company to use an off-the-shelf software application it takes you minutes.

If you need to build a costom application from scratch with Cloud it will take you days or weeks, not years.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Reduced Costs
Allows organisations to purchase their software and hardware as a utility service, thereby reducing their capital costs.

Increased Storage
Organisations can store more data than on private computer systems.

More Mobility
Employees can access information wherever they are, no longer have to be at their desks.

Highly Automated
No longer need to worry about keeping software up to date.

What I personally think.

The things that I worry about when it comes to Cloud Computing is:

Can it be guaranteed that my network is always up?

How will I know that my files are safe?

Are those documents still mine after I send them in?

Cloud Computing is the way of the future there is no getting away from it. Just like people had issues with the internet and thought it was crazy that you could find out about anything with a click of a button. Or you could upload and watch videos of Ordinary Joe Soap falling off his bike and comment on it.
Basically the pros outway the cons. It is a fantastic idea in a world where everybody wants things done now and available now, the quicker the better.
Not too good for people who want to slack off and 'accidently' break a computer to get out of work.
With any new idea you are going to encounter problems that will need to be ironed out. Privacy being a major one of course. But once again people had the same worries with the Internet and now look at us we can't live without it.
I personally think it's a really exciting idea and look forward to it being introduced on a major scale.

Friday, September 18, 2009


This is the start of a blog looking at the contemporary issues or the 'with it' issues of Information Systems.
This is basically a class assignment I am partaking in for my final year studying Business Information Systems in Galway. The class being... Contemporary Issues in IS. Who expected that.
So yes expect load of talk on the current issues facing the Information Systems sector.
Please bare with me as I am not a blogger so please don't be expecting much.