Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Artificial Intelligence

Right so Artificial Intelligence...
Every-one kind of has an idea of AI mostly because of the movie. You know the one with the cute kid from Sixth Sense and he's a robot or something. I don't know to be honest I never saw it. So probably a bad example.
Ok so the history of AI is what we were learning in class.
Right so AI is defined (by glorious wiki) as the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it. Textbooks define the field as "the study and design of intelligent agents,"where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines."

ok so to start the history of AI

1956 John McCarthy coins the phrase "artificial intelligence" at a conference at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

Unimate, the first industrial robot
Shakey, the first movable robot
HAL 9000 from the movie 2001

1956 Stanislaw Ulam develops Maniac I, the first chess program to beat a human player, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory

1961 UNIMATE is the first industrial robot

1962 the term "personal computer" appeared in a November 3, 1962 New York Times article reporting John W. Mauchly's vision of future computing

1965 Herbert Simon predicts that "by 1985 machines will be capable of doing any work a man can do"

1966 Joseph Weizenbaum, a computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, develops Eliza, the world's first chatbot

1968 Arthur C. Clarke writes "2001: A Space Odyssey" featuring HAL 9000, the artificial intelligence on-board computer of the spaceship

1969 Shakey, a robot built by the Stanford Research Institute in California, combines locomotion, perception and problem solving

Dante II and II
R2-D2 and C-3PO

1975 John Holland describes genetic algorithms in his book Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems

1977 Apple II, the first popular microcomputer manufactured by Apple Computer. It had color and high-resolution graphics

1977 The robots R2-D2 and C-3PO are an important part of the Starwars movies

1979 VisiCalc,the first spread-sheet starts the use of personal computers in the office. It was available on the Apple II

1979 A computer-controlled autonomous vehicle called the Stanford Cart, built by Hans Moravec at Stanford University, successfully negotiates a chair-filled room

1981 the IBM PC starts the "IBM PC compatible hardware platform". Based on these specifications (e.g. CGA graphics) it was possible to buy compatible components from other manufacturers. This started a wave of innovations. The operating system was PC-DOS from Microsoft, who purchased the earlier CP/M. The system was character based

1982 The Japanese Fifth Generation Computer project to develop massively parallel computers and a new artificial intelligence is born

Mid-1980s Neural networks become the new fashion in AI research

1992 Doug Lenat forms Cycorp to continue work on Cyc, an expert system that's learning common sense

1986 Honda Motor Company starts the line of humanoid robots ASIMO

1993 Dante I and II were walking robots used to explore live volcanoes

Roomba from iRobot
AIBO from Sony
ASIMO from Honda

1997 The Deep Blue chess program beats the then world chess champion, Garry Kasparov

1997 Microsoft's Office Assistant, part of Office 97, uses AI to offer customised help

1999 Sony introduces Aibo, a robotic dog capable of seeing, walking and interacting with its environment, sold as a toy.

1999 Remote Agent, an AI system, is given primary control of NASA's Deep Space 1 spacecraft for two days, 100 million kilometres from Earth

2001 The Global Hawk uncrewed aircraft uses an AI navigation system to guide it on a 13,000-kilometre journey from California to Australia

2002 ROOMBA, a robotic vacuum cleaner by iRobot, a company concentrating on robots for household work and military tasks

2004 In the DARPA Grand Challenge to build an intelligent vehicle that can navigate a 229-kilometre course in the Mojave desert, all the entrants fail to complete the course

2005 Several driverless vehicle manage to complete the course in the required time frame

And there you have it the story so far. A bit scary how influencial AI is and how necessary it is. Pretty exciting though. To see how much it has progressed in the past 40 years to imagine where we will be in another 40 years, it's going to be a different world I say.

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